European Languages-a Bridge to the Future

European Languages-a Bridge to the Future

Kaunas City General Education School, Vaižgantas Progymnasium of Kaunas University of Technology tarafından, proje öğrencilerine yönelik uluslararası yabancı dil ve tarih etkinliği - “Avrupa dilleri - geleceğe bir köprü” bilgi yarışması 26 Eylül'de Zoom platformunda gerçekleştirildi.

Congratulations, happy and proud teams!

The friendliest - Pozanti Ataturk Ortaokulu team; "8-E Ataturk Team" from Turkey.

The social partners of Kaunas City General Education School, Vaižgantas Progymnasium of Kaunas

University of Technology, and Erasmus+ project KA210-SCH-7C7EACF6 Lets leave a mark on the

world: world music for plantasia participated in the quiz. (Lets leave a mark on the earth - music of

the world for plants) teams of project students, which included 4 students each.


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